What to Wear for a Professional Headshot - 10 Tips.

Your choice of clothing plays a critical role in the quality of your headshot, and what it communicates about you as a professional. Here are ten things to consider when selecting your wardrobe.

1- Focus on Professionalism: When selecting your wardrobe, prioritize professionalism. Choose attire that reflects the level of formality expected in your industry. For corporate professionals, this may mean opting for a well-fitted suit or business attire. Creatives might lean towards smart-casual or industry-specific clothing that aligns with their brand.

2 - Choose Solid Colours and Simple Patterns: Solid colours often work best for headshots as they’re not distracting, and keep the focus on your face. If you prefer patterns, choose subtle ones to prevent them from overpowering the image. Avoid clothing with obvious logos or graphics. In general, it’s also a good idea to avoid white. Your eye always goes to the brightest part of the image first. For a headshot, you want your face to stand out. Not your shirt. Many headshots are taken on a white backdrop. White clothing runs the risk of blending in too much with what’s behind you.

Headshot of an African woman on a white backdrop

3 - Consider Your Brand: If you have specific colours associated with your brand or the company you work for, consider incorporating them into your wardrobe. This subtle alignment creates a cohesive look across your online presence.

4 - Avoid Trends: While it's tempting to follow the latest fashion trends, it’s often not be the best idea for a professional headshot. Opt for classic, timeless pieces that won't look outdated over time. This ensures that your headshot remains relevant and doesn't require updating as frequently. That said, if you work in a trendy space, then wearing the latest fashion is likely a good idea.

5 - Be Comfortable: Choose clothing that makes you feel comfortable. This in turn will result in you having more confidence during the shoot. If you're uncomfortable, it may reflect in your body language. Confidence translates well on camera, so wear something that you love and know you look good in.

6 - Pay Attention to your Neckline: V-necks or scoop necks are generally flattering because they elongate the neck. High collars can appear constricting or distract from your face.

Headshot of a blond, white woman with a pink blazer on a white backdrop

7 - Pay Attention to Grooming and Accessories: Ensure that your clothing is ironed, and accessories are tasteful and complementary. Simple accessories like a watch or earrings can add a touch of personality without being distracting.

8 - Wear Layers to Add Interest: Depending on the style and setting of your headshot, consider layering to add depth and visual interest. A well-fitted blazer or cardigan can elevate your look without being a distraction.

9 - Bring at Least Two Options: Bring multiple wardrobe options to the shoot. This allows us to assess what works best on camera. Having choices ensures that you end up with a variety of looks to choose from when selecting the final image. We recommend bringing at least two options - one more formal, and one on the casual side.

10 - Consider the Background: If you know the background or setting for your headshot, choose colours that contrast or complement it. For example, don’t wear a white short on a white backdrop. This helps ensure that you stand out without clashing with the surroundings.

Headshot of a young professional female

Your choice of clothing is one of the most critical components of any headshot. By making thoughtful selections ahead of time, you can select items that look great, compliment your brand, and results in an overall strong and professional photograph.


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